Saturday, June 20, 2020

Peek At My Week 6/19

I can't believe that it's been 3 months since we have been sheltering at home.
People are beginning to ease up a bit and are venturing out somewhat more and actually going into other people's homes and restaurants. 

I haven't ordered any food or eaten out yet, whether inside or outside.

This week I'm sharing 2 book reviews, 1 Netflix review, 2 roasted soup recipes.

My friend Vicki sent me a chart that rates activities according to their risk factor. According to her chart: 

Eating takeout at home is given a - "1" 

Eating at a restaurant at the outside dining is given a - "4 "

Eating inside a restaurant is given a - "7"

I'm not doing any of them, yet... 

This is What I'm Reading

Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodsen
An insightful story of the childhood memories of August, a black woman, who grew with her father and younger brother in Brooklyn, NY, after the family was forced to abandon their mentally ill mother in Tennessee.  The story focuses on the difficulty she had growing up in a rough city, the story of her life, the meaning of friendship, and survival. I'm still reading it, and finding it very worth the read. The book is a New York Times Bestseller and was a finalist for the 2016 National Book Award.

    Tahini and Turmeric a cookbook by Vicky Cohen and Ruth Fox - is a beautiful coffee table cookbook full of amazing photos of classical Middle Eastern Recipes made vegan. The photography and the presentations of the recipes are spectacular. I haven't had an opportunity to try any of the recipes yet, but if they taste half as good as they look, I will be satisfied. The author's recipes draw from their family recipes from Spain, Lebanon, Israel, and now America. They have a popular recipe blog called,  May I Have That Recipe? which will give you an idea of the type of recipes. 

This is What I'm Watching: 

Netflix: Marcella
A fast-moving murder mystery thriller set in modern-day England involving an insightful police officer who has marriage problems and a frightening temper. The story is quite good and quite intriguing. It is not top on my list, but certainly a captivating watch while I have all this extra time. 

This is What I'm Cooking: 

Roasted Vegetable Soups:

I find that roasted vegetables make rich-tasting delicious soups.  This week I made two different soups from roasted vegetables. both soup recipes are vegan and gluten-free.

1. Roasted Summer Zucchini soup- (link to the recipe)- A soothing mild soup that has a lovely flavor and helps use up the abundance of summer zucchini.

2. Roasted Persian Eggplant Soup-(linked to the recipe)- this exotic soup is easy to make and is seasoned with Za'atar- a popular Middle Eastern spice.  I like this brand of za'atar (affiliate link).

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  1. We are watching Marcella too :-) I love that roasted zucchini soup!

  2. We are well and truly into soup whether here. I think we are going to do carrot and sweet potato this week.

  3. We have done takeout, but don't plan on eating at a restaurant for quite in a while. That zucchini soup looks yummy!

  4. I'm a huge fan of Jacqueline Woodson, and I love everything she has written, but my absolute favorite is her picture book, The Other Side. It tells the stories of two girls who gradually become friends, though they are divided by a fence. It's a little poem of a book.

    The Tahini and Turmeric book looks intriguing. I know absolutely nothing about Middle Eastern cooking except that I like it. I wonder if it would be too hard for me.

    If we ever get any zucchini (I think we couldn't find seeds for it this year) I will try that soup recipe. Zucchini adds so much moisture and creaminess to recipes, I think.

  5. I work in psychogeriatrics so I'm constantly in full protective equipment visiting seniors with dementia to help with all the issues that the confinement has caused. The repurcussions will be felt for a long time.

    I'll have to bookmark your zucchini soup recipe because my dad always gives me tons of zucchini from his garden. Enjoy your reading week!

  6. I'm with you! I'm staying home and playing it safe. I still don't even like going to the grocery store every 2 weeks. Have a great week!

  7. We stay away from people other than our daughter and grandkids. It’s becoming normal to do so.

  8. We have gotten takeout but not the rest. I like soup more than ever but not in the summer. I'm moody seasonal about foods I posted my first recipe on my blog by request which is our version of chicken pot pie. I'd never make that in the summer but it was cold this week with only 60s for the high. Take care and stay well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

    1. Surprisingly, I am a soup lover no matter what the weather. The only time I really don't want soup is once the weather gets hot and humid and into the 90's!

  9. We've taken out food and have eaten in restaurants, but not many. Now that the numbers are going up here, we aren't too anxious to go anywhere. The soup looks delicious. Have a great week!

    1. I understand. I'm kind of waiting to see what happens in the next two weeks after people eat out in restaurants.

  10. I must admit I've eaten some very weird things since the pandemic quarantine started. Your soups look much delicious and nutritious than what I have been making. My Sunday Salon

  11. I love that chart. I just had takeout tonight and while I've been doing takeout a bit the past few weeks, I'm still way too leery of eating in a restaurant! Unfortunately the restaurants around here seem to be super busy on the inside and so many aren't taking precautions...

    I've been watching Marcella too, just finished season 3. Wow does that get trippy in S3.

    Hope you have a nice week!

    1. I haven't had take out yet, but my husband is really wanting Indian take out!! I don't think I can hold out much longer..Marcella is getting too intense for me. I'm switching to something else.

    2. Marcella got downright disturbing at times in season 3, I thought... yikes. I think the series is getting too way out there the longer it goes... ?

  12. I'm jealous of those of you who've had extra time. My job required me to covert what I do to an online format, so that doubled my work for at least two months, then finally leveled back down to 100%. Still, though, I deeply, deeply consider myself fortunate to have been employed the whole time.

  13. Your Zucchini and Eggplant homemade soups sound absolutely amazing Have a beautiful week!!

  14. If you're enjoying Another Brooklyn, you might check out Brown Girl Dreaming, also by Jacqueline Woodson. It's more of a poetry book telling her story. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week!

  15. Like you and several others who have commented, I am so shocked at the amount of people disregarding the warnings that yet still prevail about the pandemic. We have done take-out, and went to a restaurant for the first time last week. This particular restaurant never has more than 5 tables filled and it was no different the night that we went last weekend, Social distancing was perfect and tables were empty every other table. But NO MASK on employees! Laminated and not disposable paper menus, no plastic ware . . . all normal. I was pretty upset and won't go out again unless I have to. We took our own disinfectant and anti-bacterial cream that I used all over the table. I could care less what others think of me, especially if the establishment didn't care enough to have in place the procedures to help reduce the spread (mask wearing, disposable menus, etc.) Great post, Judee.

  16. I ordered my first delivery order today! I feel quite proud. I really enjoyed season one of Marcella, so I'll have to investigate season two.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
