Tuesday, July 11, 2017

How to Freeze Spiralized Zucchini

Did you know that you you can spiralize raw zucchini and freeze it for future use? 
It's so fast and easy, you will always want to have some handy in the freezer.

Freezing zucchini lets you take advantage of summer zucchini when its plentiful and reasonable and use it long after the prolific zucchini crop has long disappeared. 

5 Reasons I like to freeze zucchini Spirals

1. I have too much zucchini that will go bad if I don't use it
2. Frozen zucchini spirals can be cooked in sautées or soups
3. Frozen zucchini spirals cook in minutes
4. Frozen zucchini spirals can last for months in the freezer
5. Less waste- 

Prep your zucchini in 4 easy steps: 

1. Use your spiralizer to make zucchini spaghetti noodles ( tutorial) 

2. Sweat your spiralized zucchini in the colander for 25 minutes by salting it to release moisture.

3. Wring your zucchini in a clean dish towel to remove moisture before freezing it. 

4. Freeze zucchini sprials in individualized portions in a baggy. 

5. Use right from bag for sautéing and cooking like in this Zoodles and Purple Cabbage recipe.

I am in love with spiralized zucchini ( yellow or green zucchini) 
because it's easy to make, low in carbs, very low in calories, and satisfies my pasta cravings.  

If you need a spiralizer, I use this oneSpiralizer By Palermo- Voted the Best Vegetable Maker, 

You can read my previous post that teaches you how to make your zucchini into zucchini pasta tutorial) 

Buy Green or Yellow Zucchini

This time of the year, local yellow zucchini squash is abundant from CSA farms and farmer markets as well as green zucchini.

This is yellow zucchini which is different from yellow squash- 

Personally, I'm just as happy with a bowl of healthy spiralized zucchini pasta, marinara sauce, and grated cheese as I am with the real pasta or sometimes I make this zoodles ( zucchni noodles) in an avocado pesto sauce with cherry tomatoes. 

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Last week I went to the farmer's market and bought 6 medium/large organic yellow and green zucchini. I don't know what I was thinking. After all, 1 medium/large zucchini makes two large bowls of zucchini pasta.

 As much as I love it, I really don't want to have to eat it every night.

I thought about freezing it, but had never done it before. It was worth a try. 
I decided to spiralize all six that I purchased,  and then froze the results. It worked like a charm, and now I have frozen zucchini pasta in the freezer all ready to use! Convenient!!

Recap:  For Best Results  
1. Spiralize the zucchini
2. Place in a colander, salt it, allow it to sit for about 25 minutes
3. Place in a clean dish towel, twist the dish towel from both ends to squeeze out the water
4. Divide into individualized portions ( about 2 cups) and freeze in a baggy
5. Do not defrost before using- use directly from the freezer
6. Use in cooked zucchini noodle recipes or soup
7. The frozen zucchini will be difficult to separate so freeze the amount you want to use for future recipes,

creamy zucchini soup ( vegan) 

What is your favorite "zoodle" ( zucchini noodle)  recipe?
Have you ever frozen your zoodles? 


  1. This is really easy method but little fast.. Will read it more 1-2 Times so i understand it easily and make it.

    1. Let me know if you have more questions I would be glad to answer them.

  2. Vicki,
    It is so worth the investment. They really don't take up a lot of room, they are mechanical, and fabulous.. get one!!

  3. I never thought about freezing my Zoodles, that is a great idea. I would enjoy that soup right now, I must be getting hungry. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday and you have a great weekend!
    Come Back Soon
    Miz Helen

    1. Yes, freezing is a great idea when you have too much and don't want it to spoil.. this works great.

  4. Great idea! I love zoodles and this looks like the perfect way to have some on hand for a quick meal. Thank you!

  5. Let me start by saying that your zoodles in an avocado pesto sauce with cherry tomatoes rocks my world. I have become a big fan of raw zoodles with all kinds of yummy sauces. I have been disappointed when my zoodles had to be tossed because they turned after a few days so these tips for freezing them really help a lot. Thanks for sharing this at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm pinning and sharing.

  6. I bought a spiralizer, used it once and never again. I didn't realize that spiral cut zucchini could be frozen. I may just dig it out and buy some zucchini.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
