Monday, August 6, 2018

One Minute Chocolate Pudding

weight watcher's chocolate pudding

My one-minute Chocolate Pudding recipe is a perfect way to stick to healthy but still enjoy eating something very decadent !!

Do you remember your mom making homemade chocolate pudding, and it had a skin on top and was so delicious? This one is similar, but it will only take a minute to make and this contains healthier and lower calorie ingredients.

It's the best dessert ever when wanting something rich that you can make very quickly. For kids, you can add real peanut butter instead of Peanut butter powder if you don't mind the extra fat content.

The key to weight loss for me 
is finding foods and desserts that are low in calories, healthy, easy to make, and good substitutes for higher-calorie foods. That way I can still eat things I love, but just a healthier skinnier version.

vegan chocolate pudding in ramekins

 I divide this recipe into three or four small ramekins type dishes. 

Hot or Cold 
Because it's quick and easy to make, I can make it any time I want a treat. Surprisingly, I enjoy this creamy pudding just as much hot out of the microwave as I do after it's chilled.
When it's hot, it tastes like hot fudge. When it's chilled it tastes like chocolate pudding.

Microwave for 1 minute or Bake in the oven for 8 minutes
This wonderful dessert is gluten-free, vegan, parve, and oil-free and can be made in the microwave in 1 minute. If you don't like to microwave, it can be cooked in the oven for 8-10 minutes at 350 degrees in a preheated oven.

Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 

You can make this recipe two different ways.
If you add more almond milk(6-8 tablespoons), it comes out like real chocolate pudding. If you use less almond milk (2 tablespoons), it comes out like a cross between chocolate pudding and fudgy cake.
With less milk, it is thicker and makes 3 small ramekins.
With more milk, it makes about 4 ramekins.

Either way is absolutely delicious 

Kids Love it Too
It is a perfect dessert for an after school treat for kids or any member of the family. If you are trying to eat healthier, a good place to begin is with substitutions for desserts.

This delicious pudding has no added sugar, a significant amount of protein, and vitamins and minerals from the banana and cocoa powder. It meets gluten-free, dairy-free, and egg-free standards.

It's a guilt-free snack that everyone seems to love!

Judee @ Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 1 minute 
Cook Time in the microwave:  1 minute 
or Cook Time in the oven: 8-10 minutes if you don't want to microwave
Recipe makes 2 portions

1 large ripe banana 
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa 
2 tablespoons of peanut butter powder (affiliate link) or for kids use 2 tablespoons of any nut butter. 
6-8 tablespoons vanilla unsweetened almond milk (30 calories/cup)
( add additional milk if too thick a tablespoon at a time)

Blend all the ingredients in a blender or Nutribullet until it turns to liquid.
Pour into three small microwave-safe ramekins. Microwave all three at the same time for 1or 1 and half minutes(depends how loose it is) or bake in the oven for  8-10 minutes. Refrigerate until chilled about 4 hours.

Enjoy without guilt!!!

Can't Eat Peanuts? 
If you have a peanut allergy try my healthy chocolate pudding which is nut free and is also fast and easy, rich,  creamy, and delicious.

My Notes: 

1. You can put a raspberry on each ramekin after it is baked
2. Top with almond whipped cream
3. Cover with sliced strawberries-

#chocolate  #desserts #vegan #glutenfree #WW

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Amazon. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive a very small compensation which helps defray the cost of running a blog and allows me to continue to publish for free.


  1. So yummy! I am definitely a fan of guilty free desserts like this. Thanks for sharing, Judee.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you ... I love the photo as well and the pudding is absolutely fabulous..So easy to make

  3. This sounds delightful - Thanks for sharing on To Grandma's House We Go!

  4. I love chocolate pudding and this looks like a delicious treat! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Full Plate Thursday!
    Miz Helen

  5. Judee, this sounds crazy! (In a *good* way!) I must try this very soon.

  6. Looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing. You are one of the features at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to this week's bash: Have a lovely week! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

    1. Wow! so excited- thanks for featuring this delicious recipe

  7. You had me at 'one minute'! Love this xx #FullPlateThursday

  8. This sounds so good! I usually make chocolate pudding with tofu but I'm intrigued by your banana version.

    1. I think you will like this easy and healthy recipe. If you try it, come back and comment.. Thanks

  9. Your post is on the Top Ten For Full Plate Thursday,477 this week! Thanks so much for sharing with us and you have a great day!
    Miz Helen

  10. Your post is on the Top Ten For Full Plate Thursday,477 this week! Thanks so much for sharing with us and you have a great day!
    Miz Helen

  11. I bet my husband would love this! Pinned.

  12. That's a real treat! I like making choclate pies as well as mini choc desserts. Fewer calories but big treat.

  13. 1 minute, and chocolate! You've caught my attention for sure! Not sure if we can get peanut butter powder here though.

  14. My husband has Type-2 diabetes but also a sweet tooth. This recipe sounds delicious although, I've not heard of peanut butter powder here in Australia. I will check it out. Thanks for sharing at this week's #WeekendTrafficJamReboot. I've selected your post as one of my favourites to feature next week. x

    1. If you husband can have peanut butter, you can use that instead of the low fat powder. I get it on Amazon!

  15. I will have to look into the powdered peanut butter. Never seen or used it.
    I visited you via Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot! My entries this week are numbered #59+60
    Please join and share your posts with us

    1. HI - The peanut butter powder can be purchased on Amazon. Try to get one without sugar.

  16. I have a special board on pinterest just for recipes that use chocolate so I pinned what souns like a arvelous recipe onto it!

    1. Nancy- I'll have to come by and look at your chocolate Pinterest board. Sounds wonderful.

  17. Thank you so much for sharing with us!


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