Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Peek At My Week 7/3

This post is about another week of sheltering at home, book review, Youtube documentary review, and two amazing summer salad recipes. 

I stay home most of the time except for my morning one hour walk and grocery shopping. I do meet friends online to play Canasta and Mahjong. I planted tons of flowers to enjoy in my yard this summer.

I attended a funeral this week of a neighbor and a good friend who died after a long illness (not COVID). I was shocked that there were so many people at the viewing that chose not to wear a mask, including the immediate family.

There were 85 people and it was kind of close together until the mass started and we separated throughout a large church. I wore a double mask and needless to say was not very comfortable with the situation. In addition, they had an indoor luncheon at a country club with 57 unmasked attendees. I didn't go to lunch. I was very uncomfortable and I'm now quarantining this week. We live in Pennsylvania. 

What I'm Watching: "No Place On Earth"  is an excellent documentary on Youtube.

The Trailer: 5-minute watch

The Documentary:   1 hr and half 

This was an extremely interesting documentary about a cave expert who is exploring in Ukraine, looking for his family roots and comes across evidence of people living in the caves. 

He discovers eventually that an extended family of 38 people survived the Holocaust by living in a huge gypsum cave. Only the men family members ventured out in search of food and supplies (which they stole). Not only did they live in these dark candlelit quarters with no running water or electricity, but they also did so for a year and a half. They gathered water that dripped into the cave from the ceiling and sometimes only had one glass of water a day for a family. The amazing part is that many of them survived and are alive today to tell and verify their story. It was a fascinating documentary and made me realize how good we have it despite being shut-in. 
Notes: The sound of the documentary was very low. I could hear it best watching on my Smart TV where I could turn up the volume very high.

What I'm Reading: 
I'm still reading 

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennet
I am still in the middle of reading this book, but it grabbed me in right from the first page.  It's an intriguing story of twin sisters growing up in the segregated South in the 1950s. As teenagers, they run away and make their own lives. One of the sisters passes for white, while the other lives the life of a black woman. It explores the differences in their lives, opportunities, treatment, etc.  The characters are well developed and the author's writing style impactful. Can't put it down. I highly recommend it. 

What I'm Cooking: 

Jersey Corn and Tomato Salad 
I cut the corn off the cob and use the corn raw in this delicious summer salad. Raw corn kernels are sweet, juicy, crunchy, and delicious. (link to recipe)

Mango Peach Summer Salsa Salad 
I love this refreshing summer salad. It is my friend Vicki's recipe and it is delicious especially in hot weather. It's mango season and mangos are very reasonable right now. (link to the recipe)

Sharing on Sunday Salon 


  1. That mango salad looks delicious! We're staying close to home here in Cleveland too because our cases are on the rise. Not wearing a mask to a funeral (or any other indoor mass gathering) is just disrespectful. I'm in a very pessimistic place right now in regards to us moving past Covid any time soon. Here's to a good week of reading at least!

  2. It's startling to me each time I see a group of people together. The Rotary Club of my town meets in a building across the street. Yesterday they had a fund raiser and there must have been a hundred people there. I didn't see any masks, but my husband said they put on a mask when people stopped to buy a raffle ticket. Oh dear. I really can't understand people at a funeral without masks.

    That Mango Peach Summer Salsa Salad sounds awfully good. It's getting hot now here, and a cold salad sounds refreshing.

    I'm glad you are enjoying The Vanishing Half so much. Perhaps I will look for it after Paris in July is concluded.

    Have a good and safe week.

  3. Gotta get that The Vanishing Half for my Kindle! Isn't wearing a mask mandatory in the states?

  4. pushchair an interesting post, the Covid concer...I would be too, the salads and the documentary.

    Stay safe!

  5. Your flowers are gorgeous and that salad looks amazing! I hate to say it but I wouldn't even attend a funeral right now, just too risky. Sure hope there was nobody there who had it and didn't know. Stay safe and healthy!

  6. The Vanishing Half is on my list of books I want to read. I hope you like it. If not, warn me off. I love the look of your flowers. So colorful. My Sunday Salon post

  7. The salad looks yummy. I can't believe so many without a mask. That's scary. The Vanishing Half sounds really good. Hope you have a great week!

  8. I've attended several funerals in the past few months and they were all via Zoom. I would be uncomfortable too with so many people in a closed space.

    You've got me wanting to read The Vanishing Half. I love mango salad, especially with cilantro. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  9. I’m allergic to raw tomato, but I do like corn.
    I’m at a loss to understand the refusal to wear masks, i think several people are eventually going to learn the hard way.

    Wishing you a great reading week, stay well

  10. Mango peach salad sounds so good especially in this hot weather.
    Your flowers are beautiful.

    I've been watching YouTube documentaries lately, and will check "No Place on Earth". It sounds like a documentary I'd enjoy. :)

  11. I'm very uncomfortable when people in social gatherings go without masks. It just seems so unnecessarily risky! And not just to the person but to others! I've been trying t oout as little as possible.

    That documentary looks fabulous. When that woman said "they didn't get us" I'll admit I teared up a little...

    The salad looks delicious. Be well this week.

  12. Your friend Vicki's Mango salad looks absolutely fabulous... and I loved your beautiful flowers!

  13. That funeral would have made me very uncomfortable also. I don't understand why people think everything is okay now. I do think we reopened too quickly. Thanks for the recommendations and recipes!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
