Friday, October 8, 2021

Tomato Potato Soup- Vegan and Oil-Free

tomato potato soup

This delicious tomato potato soup will keep you coming back for more. It's light, yet filling, and a perfect hearty recipe for fall and winter.

Not only does it call for a generous amount of chopped tomatoes, but it also contains potatoes, carrots, onions, and sweet peppers which add a rich satisfying flavor to the soup. Maybe I should have named it tomato vegetable soup? 

I know its fall and everyone is expecting pumpkin recipes.
Sorry to disappoint. I'm just not a pumpkin lover (am I the only one??)

Potatoes, Root, Vegetables

As you probably already know I am an absolute soup lover, and have published a global soups cookbook (link to cookbook on Amazon) with over 80 tried and true soup recipes- available on Amazon. I continue to develop additional soup recipes and this is one of them.

Peppers, Food, Vegetables, Capsicums

You could probably add pumpkin puree and pumpkin spices to this soup. Pumpkin puree blends well with tomatoes- but nah!  I just can't stretch that far.. I'm keeping this soup as a good old creamy tomato soup - no pumpkin...

Carrot, Sliced, Chopped Carrot
Diced Carrots

Since summer tomato season is essentially over,  I used a container of chopped tomatoes instead of freshly chopped tomatoes. 

Pomi Tomatoes Chopped Italian, 26.46 oz ( Pack of 12)

You can count on this homemade soup to provide a good helping of  healthy nutrients and antioxidants for a healthier you. My tomato soup is naturally gluten-free, vegan, kosher parve, and oil-free too.

tomato soup in a mug
A little hot pepper flakes sprinkled in this cup for a guest 


1/4 cup of vegetable broth divided for sautéing the vegetables
1 cup of chopped onions  
1 cup of chopped carrots
1 cup of chopped sweet peppers (red, orange or yellow)
3.5 cups of cubed potatoes, peeled 
1/2 teaspoon of paprika
1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon of onion powder 
Salt and freshly cracked pepper to taste
4 bay leaves (remove before consuming)
3 cups of chopped tomatoes, divided
1 heaping teaspoon of gluten-free flour
5 cups water 
3 cups of a tasty vegetable broth


Heat a 6 qt soup pot and then add the onions, carrots, and sweet peppers to it. Begin to sauté for about a minute and then add a few tablespoons of vegetable broth and continue to sauté, stirring for about 3 minutes (adding another tablespoon or two of broth as needed). Add the potatoes and toss the vegetables and continue to sauté for another two minutes, stirring. Add the paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper and mix well. Add the bay leaves, water, and vegetable broth. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a low medium heat and cook until potatoes begin to soften but not mushy. 

While potatoes are cooking. Add 2 cups of chopped tomatoes to a blender or NutriBullet (I use a NutriBullet) and blend. Then add the flour and blend again. Pour this mixture into the soup and stir. Then an additional cup of chopped tomatoes to the soup. Stir and taste again, and add any additional seasoning (salt, pepper, etc.) to your taste.

Shared on Weekend Cooking at The Intrepid Reader and Baker where anyone can share a food related post and find some great recipes and book reviews.

Also shared on Souper Sunday at Deb's Kahaki Kitchen where anyone (including you) can share a soup, salad, or sammie post and find some great recipes and book reviews.

My Notes:
1. I sauté in vegetable broth or water - not oil
Vegetables sautéed in vegetable broth or water taste very good. 
It's hard to believe that oil is not necessary for sauteeing. 
I just start with adding the vegetables to a pre-heated pot for a minute or two and stirring and then I add the vegetable broth or water a very little at a time. (saves a ton of calories and I can't tell the difference)

2. If you like a little more kick to your soups, add hot sauce or hot pepper flakes. 

3. If the 5 cups of water and the 3 cups of broth does not deeply cover your potato and vegetable sauté in the soup pot, add more vegetable broth.  

3. If you want a thinner soup, add another cup of vegetable broth.

Like my soup recipes ? 
My cookbook has over 80 easy soup recipes and inspirational quotes to nourish both your body and soul. How to Order My New Soups Cookbook- Makes a great gift too. I sign, gift-wrap, and ship anywhere in the United States. Holidays are coming!!

Easy Plant-Based Soups Cookbook Cover

My Previous Pumpkin recipes 
follow these links to four of my previous posts.  

Healthier U- 
If you are looking for support to lose weight, have more energy, or just feel better to be a healthier you, read some of the books on my reading list.You'll find helpful information for weight loss, improving energy, managing diabetes, heart health, etc. 
No time to read? Look up the Dr's on Youtube - some great videos

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Amazon

My Reading List
1. How Not to Die- Dr. Greger
2. How Not to Diet- Dr. Greger
3. The China Study- T. Campbell
4. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease - Dr. Esselstyn
5. The Starch Solution - Dr. McDougall (my favorite)
6. Reversing Diabetes- Dr. Neal Barnard
7. Mastering Diabetes- by Cyrus Khambatta, PhD- 
8. The Pleasure Trap- Doug Lisle
9. Documentary: Forks over Knives ( rent it)
12, Easy Plant-Based Soups: Farm To Ladle Cookbook
13.. Watch Plantiful Kiki on Youtube for recipes and great ideas for health and vegan weight loss in alignment with The Starch Solution. 


  1. I am a soup fan too, but I need lots of fat in it LOL...

    1. That's the beauty of any soup recipe- you can always add to it. I might add chopped avocado for fat- you might add meat or you could always sauté in oil.. For those of us who need to watch fat for cholesterol this is a good base.

  2. This is very flavorful soup with lots of veggies, thanks for your lovely comment on my Pumpkin Sweet Potato Galette, have a great weekend....

    1. I really like a lot of your dessert recipes especially the ones that egg free. You have a wonderful recipe blog and I enjoy browsing it. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. This looks absolutely delicious. Thank you. I've pinned it. Pumpkin pie is one of my favorite desserts but I never, ever tire of anything to do with potatoes. Potatoes and tomatoes together are a perfect combo! Thank you.

  4. Tomato potato -- say that five times fast! And way to own up to not loving pumpkin. I do, but mostly only in pie. The husband, not so much! Anyway, this looks like a lovely and hearty fall soup. And the pictures, as always, are gorgeous. My favorite is the one of the diced carrots; it's so unexpected yet vibrant!

    1. You are witty and I enjoy your blog. I too like (but don't love) pumpkin pie but that's it!! I'm sticking with my fall soups! No pumpkin

  5. Recently I made a soup almost the same as this — except I added the cooked pulp from an entire pumpkin! As you say, a vegetable soup is very flexible. It’s interesting that you use the word sauté to mean cook in water: the dictionary definition of sauté is to cook in a small amount of fat.

    best… mae at

    1. Yes, technically you are right about sautéing and oil or fat. However, with the Whole Food Plant-Based movement eliminating oil from the vegan diet, ( but not good fats such as nuts, seeds, avocado etc. ) I am seeing the word sautéing used with water or vegetable broth for many recipes on the Internet and Youtube...

  6. I love tomato soup, I must try your recipe!

    1. Jenna,
      Thanks for stopping by - I love your food bar ideas on your most recent post. You have a wonderful blog full of great ideas. I enjoy browsing it. I love tomato soup too.

  7. I'm not a pumpkin lover either! This soup sounds good. I make a lot of soups come this time of year mainly from leftovers. I have made three this week!
    Huge fan of Pomi - we first found it in Mexico!

    1. Leftovers are great for soup and as the weather is getting chillier, soup is tasting better and better.

  8. I made vegetable stock today, just on a whim with no plans for it. I was just going to put it into the freezer to grab when I needed it. I think this recipe would be perfect

  9. Nothing wrong with good old tomato and vegetable soup. Both that and pumpkin soup have their place in my mine!

    Thanks again for participating in Weekend Cooking!

    1. Marg,
      I look forward to sharing each week on Weekend Cooking on your blog. I usually find something interesting to think about making or learning. I do love tomato based soups

  10. Mmm! I've never heard of tomato potato!

  11. Thank you for this recipe. Love soups and I am very happy to have found your blog. Thanks for stopping by :)

  12. It looks very healthy and delicious too!!......Abrazotes, Marcela

  13. I am not at all a pumpkin fan either so this soup is perfect for me! ;-) Thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays this week.

  14. What a lovely soup, Judee! This would be a great way to use so many of the veggies that I need to use right now. I never get tired of soup and I love this combination of ingredients. :-)

  15. Lovely recipe but I never put flower in my soup.

    1. Hi Margaret- I enjoyed the beautiful photos on your site. You are an exceptional photographer. I too never put flour in my soup- this was the first time since it was based on an ethnic recipe that called for flour ( which I cut back from 2 tablespoons to 1 teaspoon) . Anyway, probably next time I make it, I too might leave out the flour... Have a great week and thanks for stopping by .

  16. OMG! When I was a kid Campbell's tomato soup was my favorite especially when I was sick. Lots of pats of butter to float on top and eaten with a grilled cheese sandwich. Don't eat it anymore - can't imagine what's actually in it. Now I make my own. Thanks for stopping by Vicki and please do check out my soup cookbook- lots of wonderful easy plant-based healthy recipes (80)

  17. I've never had a tomato soup with potatoes but it sounds great!! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Hope the week ahead brings you smiles and joy.

  18. Hello,:=) I'm on this older post because I have been looking at lots of your recipes. I like to eat healthily, and eat many vegetables and fruit in my diet. I do love pumpkin soup,and now it's in season add it to every soup I make. Your recipes are easy to make and seem delicious, so I will follow you, and many thanks for your comment. Happy cooking!:=)


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
