Tuesday, May 14, 2024

What I Eat In A Day On A Plant-Based Diet

Free Cover Plate photo and picture

Do you ever think about eating less animal protein and eating more plant-based meals? 

In a world where not just adults but even children struggle with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer etc, scientific research proves that diet as the #1 culprit of these problems. 

Free Fat Obese illustration and picture

Plant-based eating has become more that just a trend: it becoming a new lifestyle for many- out of necessity to try to feel better. The standard American diet of highly processed food is proving not to be nourishing nor healthy. 

What I eat in a day on a plant-based diet
What does a day on a wholesome plant-based eating look like ? 
It is flavorful, colorful, tasty, satisfying and nourishing. This is a sample of what I might eat in a day.

Breakfast, Blueberries, Strawberries

Breakfast: Berry Burst Oatmeal 
A steaming bowl of hearty oatmeal is a great choice for breakfast. It is filling, contains fiber-rich goodness, and provides sustained energy. Adding a kaleidoscope of colorful berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries provides natural sweetness and many protective antioxidants. What do antioxidants protect? They help our bodies fight disease!! 

mashed chickpea sandwich with sliced tomato

This is one of my favorite spreads that I eat with a romaine lettuce leaves (like a lettuce wrap) or sometimes I'll spread it on rice cakes. It's really easy to make too. 

  • Chickpea "tuna" Salad- (protein )
  • vegetable sticks - carrots, red peppers, asparagus spears) which provide more vitamins and  antioxidants and low calorie crunch.
  • Baked Sweet Potato 

salad, meditteranean salad, walnuts, chickpeas


I love a good salad and this one is not only beautiful, it offers a variety of nutrients and antioxidants. 
  • Salad - I start with a generous salad made up of a mosaic of colors and textures, featuring crisp lettuce, juicy tomatoes, tender baby spinach, walnuts, crunchy cucumber slices etc.
  • Steamed broccoli
  • Air fryer tofu and air-fryer baked French fried wedges

crispy tofu and salad

I have to admit that it takes more time to prep a healthy meal than picking up some processed food, but I find ways to prep in advance and make it work.

Free Baked Potatoes Potatoes photo and picture

What are your thoughts? Do you try to eat less animal protein ?

My Notes:

All my meals are also gluten-free

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Elevate Your Dishes with Homemade Tofu Ricotta Cheese: A Versatile Vegan Delight

vegan ricotta cheese

Do you love cheese but are trying to cut back on high fat foods and inflammatory dairy?

One of the challenges of healthy plant-based eating is finding innovative plant-based substitutes for traditional dairy ingredients.

I discovered (by accident) that an ordinary block of extra firm tofu, blended with a few other simple ingredients, can provide a soft smooth product with a similar flavor and texture to ricotta cheese. So Crazy!!

How I Discovered it !

Origianlly, I was making my "tofu" mayonnaise which calls for soft silken tofu. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, I only had a block of extra firm tofu so I used it instead of the silken tofu. I ended up with a different product entirely. When I tasted it, I realized it was similar to ricotta cheese!!

For me "tofu ricotta" is truly a game changer! I use my "ricotta" substitute to make a wide variety of pasta dishes, appetizers, pizza topping, spreads, etc. 

Who Might Like This Substitute?

Those who are lactose intolerant, those looking for kosher parve foods, those who follow Weight Watchers and want a zero point food, or anyone simply looking to explore new culinary horizons.

How Can You Use Tofu Ricotta?  

  1. Pasta: Use tofu ricotta as a filling for GF pastas such as stuffed shells, manicotti, or lasagna. Layer it between sheets of GF pasta with marinara sauce or toss it with shells and broccoli.
  2. Free Food Bread photo and picture
  3. GF Toast Toppers: Spread tofu ricotta on GF toast or GF crackers and top with roasted vegetables, fresh herbs, or a drizzle of balsamic glaze for an elegant appetizer or snack. We are fortunate to have a gluten-free bakery here in Florida with all kinds of GF breads.
    Plantain pizza with roasted vegetables and tofu cheese
  1. Pizza Perfect: Dollop tofu ricotta onto GF pizza dough before baking for a creamy, cheesy alternative to traditional mozzarella. Pair with your favorite toppings for a personalized pie.

    Spread Dip photo and picture
  1. Dips and Spreads: Whip up a batch of tofu ricotta dip by blending it with herbs, spices, or roasted garlic. Serve with crudité, GF crackers, or warm GF bread for a crowd-pleasing appetizer.
Recipe: You will be delighted to find out how easy this recipe is to make. It's only 2 ingredients: extra firm tofu and dijon mustard.

1 block of extra firm tofu, slightly drained
1 and 1/2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon (at a time) of water, only if needed to mix

Remove tofu from packaging and allow to drain slightly for about 10 minutes. Next, add the tofu to the heavy duty blender. Add mustard and begin to blend. Add 1 teaspoon of water if needed and continue to blend. Remove when still gritty (not completely smooth).
Use in recipes as needed.

My Notes:
When making dips and spreads, mix by hand using a large spoon. Mixture may become too thin and creamy if it mixed again in the blender. OR add parsley and herbs to the original batch.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Cruise Ship, Night, Port, Ship

I'm leaving for my cruise to Europe in the morning. 
I'm all packed and ready to go. 
I have to admit that the packing was challenging in a carry-on suitcase and a carry on bag for this 4 week vacation

Free Suitcase Luggage illustration and picture
My greatest challenge ended up being the shoes! I took 5 pairs of shoes: sneakers, shoes for during the day, 2 pairs of shoes for the evening- one white and one black and a pair of flip flops type sandals for the pool. 

Black Shoes Shoe photo and picture
I scheduled 2 posts that will show up during the 2nd and 3rd week of May. I won't be able to visit any of you. So wonderful month of May and I'll look forward to reading your posts when I get back. 
