Thursday, August 31, 2017

Mango Cardamom Lassi Is A Healthy GF Drink

mango cardamom lassi in a mason jar

Do you love mangoes? It's mango season and the mangos are ripe and plentiful- perhaps the perfect time to make a refreshing digestion pleasing healthy gluten free mango lassi-

ripe mangoes

Old time ethnic recipes like this one don't fool around. They taste great, are made from real food, and provide many health benefits unlike modern day processed convenience drinks.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Kale and Cannellini Bean Soup

bowls of kale and white bean soup

Yesterday we were eating salads and fresh mangoes; today I am eating hot kale and white bean soup. The weather changed just that quickly. It went from the high 80's to the low 50's! Is it fall ?

It's the next to the last day of August. and it's a rainy, damp chilly day.
Despite that it is still officially summer, this may be the beginning of soup weather for me.

I was not in the mood to cook ( I wanted to curl up with a blanket and watch Netflix), but I  motivated myself to get out the soup pot.

Since I had a refrigerator full of vegetables from this week's CSA pickings ( garlic, onions, purple potatoes, carrots, parsley, sage, kale, and dandelion greens),  I realized I had everything I needed to make a delicious soup. I added a can of cannelloni  beans and felt satisfied with this warm comforting dinner.

Any kind of greens would taste good in this soup; I added a combination of kale and dandelion.

I made this soup in just 30 minutes
It took just 10 minutes of prep and about 20 minutes cooking time to complete this simple recipe.
It made 4 bowls of piping hot soup rich in vegetables, beans, and greens! Yum!

Make sure that you add your chopped or torn greens to the hot soup just before eating so they wilt, not cook, in the soup. This will help retain more of the valuable nutrients.

Over the summer, I kind of forgot how wonderful the aroma of homemade soup simmering on the stovetop smells. This vegan and naturally gluten free soup filled our kitchen with the fragrance that brought warmth to our hearts on our first rainy chilly night. 

We enjoyed this hearty stick to your ribs soup while the evening weather was in the 50's.
Summer is not really over. Tomorrow will be back in the high 70's, so we may be back to eating summer salads and mangoes again but tonight I'm enjoying my soup.

Author: Judee Algazi
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Serves: 4 bowls


2-3 cloves of garlic, cut in halves
1 medium onion, diced
1 large carrot or 2 medium, sliced
I medium potato diced 
1/2 cup of chopped parsley
2 leaves of fresh sage
1 cup fresh kale, chopped
1 cup of fresh dandelion greens or spinach , chopped
1 can of organic cannelloni beans, washed and drained
Olive oil spray
4 cups of vegetable soup broth
4 cups of boiling water
Cracked pepper
optional: 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger or 2 Tablespoons of fresh lemon juice ( I love it)


Spray a 4 quart Dutch Oven type of pot or your favorite soup pot with olive oil spray. Saute the garlic and the onions until translucent. Add the carrots, potato, parsley, and sage and spray the vegetables with olive oil spray or toss first in olive oil. Toss and then add the vegetable broth and boiling water.  Add the cannoli beans, bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, cover the pot and allow to simmer for 20 minutes. Remove lid and turn off the burner.  Add the kale and dandelion greens  allow them to wilt in the hot soup. Serve immediately. 
If you prefer a creamier soup, blend half of the soup in a blender and return it to the other half - stir and serve

My notes: 
1.Variation: Squeeze some fresh lemon or lime juice in the soup while simmering and crock the lid.
2. Variation: Top with freshly grated Parmesan cheese in each bowl
3. Blend half of soup if you prefer a creamy soup and return it to the pot- the pureed beans will make it creamy.

It's not what you do occasionally but what you do consistently that makes a difference!

This recipe will be shared Sunday on Souper Sunday at Kahakai Kitchen where you can link up soup, salad, or sammie recipes...

Also will be shared Friday on Weekend Cooking open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: 

Friday, August 25, 2017

How to Slice a Mango the Easy Way

Do you love mangoes as much as we do, but struggle with finding an easy way to cut and eat them?
I used to make a delicious juicy mess every time I cut one up,  until I learned how to use this super easy and convenient mess-free method.

My daughter in law Wendy has been using this method for years. 
However, it was actually my friend Vicki who recently taught me how to do it! It is so so easy!
No special tools are necessary
The only tool that you will need is a sharp pairing knife to cut the mango in this special way.

 Cut the mango in 3 easy steps. 

You will actually be cutting the mango into thirds with the pit being the middle part.

Do not peel the mango. Hold the mango on its side with the stem down. 

1. Slice off one side as close to the pit as possible.
2. Turn the mango and slice off the other side- you will be left with the pit in the middle
3. Place one of the sliced sides peel down and score it by making 4 lines in each direction . 

Invert and it will be in chunks. you can eat it right off  the peel, or slice the chunks into a bowl.

If this seems confusing, I found a video on Youtube that demonstrates this super easy process. Once you see it being done, you will be able to do it ! ( video is at the end)

That is all you have to do to be able to eat a mango with dignity and no mess!

We used to only eat mangoes outside on our back deck because we mutilated them when cutting them and the juice would be unmanageable. If you are a mango lover, you know that mangoes can be extremely juicy and messy. 

I've seen so many ways to conquer the mango- but hands down - I think this is the best. 

Of course you cut use a mango slicer. I have one that I bought on Amazon, and they are easy and fun to use. They kind of look like an apple slicer but are made for mangoes and much sturdier.
  OXO Good Grips Mango Slicer, Splitter, and Corer

 Mango Demonstration Video from Youtube!!

My Mango Recipes

Mango Peach Salad/Salsa

Skinny Mango Salsa

Mango Cardamom Lassi 

Mango Orange Blossom Popsicles

It's time to leave your comment, story about mangoes, etc. 

This post is shared  " Weekend Cooking"

Please consider purchasing my cookbook on Amazon!  plant-based soups cookbook (affiliate link)

My Soups Cookbook contains over 80 healthy soup recipes and 80 inspirational quotes and time saving cooking tips to help encourage, guide, and inspire readers to reach a greater level of wellness. Plant-based soups cookbook (affiliate link)  on Amazon with a "look inside" option to see all the recipe titles and introduction.

Keep this cute paper back cookbook in mind for a stocking stuffer, house warming gift, or even birthday gifts! 
Please consider purchasing my cookbook on Amazon!  plant-based soups cookbook (affiliate link)

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Amazon like most bloggers. If you click on a link from my blog and make a purchase, I will receive a small compensation at no cost to you. This helps pay for the cost of running a blog. Thank you for your support.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Wordless Wednesday- Murals in Montevideo Uruguay

Montevideo, Uruguay
"Montevideo, Uruguay’s capital, is a major city along Montevideo Bay. It revolves around the Plaza de la Independencia, once home to a Spanish citadel. This plaza leads to Ciudad Vieja (the old town), with art deco buildings, colonial homes and landmarks including the towering Palacio Salvo and neoclassical performance hall Solís Theatre. " - Wikipedia

This was a professional photo - not mine- there were lots of wild parrots in the parks

Restaurants in the old city still displayed window advertising from the 1940's 
                              It was one of our favorite trips

The old city of Montevideo looked like a city of murals that were painted on many of the walls across town +
plus a few other street shots for 
Wordless Wednesday

I loved this mural of the fish just painted on a building on the street. Too bad the car was in the way of the shot

she was in front of a restaurant or bakery

I appreciate your comments- thanks for participating and leaving a comment

May be shares on the following Wordless Wednesday blog carnivals:
 Wordless Wednesday at Beth Fish Reads, Wordless Wed on Tuesdays wordless on tuesday, image in ing, ClaireJustine linky  and Saturday snapshot hosted by West Metro Mommy  Create with Joy bethere2day nanahood

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Got Celery? Simple But Healthy After School Snack

Celery is an alkalizing green vegetable that is a great gluten free base for a healthy snack.
Now that kids are going back to school, it's time to start thinking about nourishing after school snacks.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Wordless Wednesday- Haulover Beach in South Florida

This bird flew onto the ledge of the pool to take a drink of water. I was able to get a quick shot because he didn't seem afraid and kind of just stood there even as I got closer and closer. 

Does anyone know what kind of bird this is? 
I haven't the faintest idea!!


South Florida

Monday, August 14, 2017

Red Cabbage Potato Salad

Red cabbage potato salad is an easy to make, delicious to eat, frugal side dish that is a frequent guest at BBQ's and other summer gatherings. My colorful potato salad is a healthier version that is made with chopped red cabbage, red onions, celery and red potatoes - no mayo but I use a delightful dressing.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Wordless Wednesday- Butterflies

My CSA farm has fields of flowers as well a vegetables and berries that all seem to attract butterflies. I like to take a little extra time to stroll around the grounds when I pick up my produce. It is so peaceful and grounding to bond with nature.

The last time I went, I saw these beautiful butterflies in the fields of flowers.

I choose to share my buttered noodle and cabbage recipe with this post of these beautiful butterflies
with vegan and low carb alternatives 

Love to hear your comments

Participating in the following Wordless Wednesday link carnivals 
Shared on Wordless Wednesday at Beth Fish Reads, Wordless Wed on Tuesdaysimage in ingClaireJustine linky  and Saturday snapshot hosted by West Metro Mommy. Create with Joy

Monday, August 7, 2017

Vegan Pesto Sauce with Pasta

Hot summer days are the perfect time to make simple pasta dishes tossed with fragrant pesto sauces. Most pesto is made with nuts; this quick and easy pesto recipe is nut free and vegan, which cuts down on the calories and expense- but not taste. ( of course it is gluten free as well).

Friday, August 4, 2017

Cauliflower Rice and Japanese Eggplant

Japanese eggplants make a fabulous summer side dish and cauliflower rice is a delicious low carbohydrate substitute for traditional rice ( and tastes just as good) .

These slender purple vegetables one of my favorite veggies. They are less bitter than the regular eggplants, cook up quickly, are low in calories while high in fiber ( skin).

Since I get my summer produce from a local organic farm, I always eat the skin of my vegetables.

My CSA pickup was overflowing this week.

There were plenty of Japanese eggplants, yellow and green zucchini, lettuces, scallions, garlic, beets, kohlrabi, cucumbers, fennel, celery, basil, beautiful long dandelion greens, cherry tomatoes, green beans, sunflowers, and raspberries. We will be having some great salads this week.

I had to work hard to pick some of the veggies
Although most of my share of veggies were waiting for me in the cool shady barn, the cherry tomatoes, green beans, sunflowers, and herbs were pick your own. That was no joke in this 97 degree heat wave we have been having. 

Surprisingly, I found people of all ages (babies on their mama's backs to grandmas with large brimmed hats)  out in the hot sunny fields picking their share of this week's prolific crops. 

The sweat was dripping off of us, but my husband and I got int and out of the fields as fast as we could bundles of pick your own string beans, cherry tomatoes, herbs, and sunflowers.

How I make it easier on myself

I've learned to bring baggies or containers with me right into the fields, which helps cut down on the work once I return home. I now immediately put the produce that I have to weigh in the barn and the produce that I need to pick in the fields in large baggies, I am able to put everything into the refrigerator as soon as I get home. I used to just put everything into shopping bags and had to sort later ( sometimes for an hour).

Hot, Tired, and Mission Complete!

We left our house at 5:00 PM and returned  home around 6:15 PM . I was drained and too tired to start prepping the salads or cooking. My food prep had to wait until 6:00 AM the next morning.

Today's Recipe Uses My Japanese Eggplant 

I made a low calorie/ lowish carb summer side dish.

Roasted eggplant, yellow peppers, cherry tomatoes, 

I roasted eggplant with cherry tomatoes, garlic, and red peppers on a cookie sheet.  Separately, I heated some riced cauliflower in a skillet and then served the roasted vegetables over the riced cauliflower ( make your own or buy organic in Trader's Joe's like I did)

Low Carb and absolutely delicious cauliflower rice

The cauliflower rice is light and fluffy and I think as tasty as regular rice without the carbs
read my post on how to cook the frozen cauliflower rice so it is light and fluffy

What a bang for my buck. Lots of flavor with very few calories. 
Of course this recipe is naturally gluten free and vegan.


6 Japanese eggplants, sliced lengthwise and then chopped in large peices
1 pint of cherry tomatoes, halved
12 mini red, yellow or orange peppers, cored chopped
4 cloves garlic, peeled and halved
1/4 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Place vegetables into a bowl , toss with 1/4 cup olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Place on a rimmed cookie sheet that has been covered with parchment paper. Bake at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes.

My Notes:

1. Just for the record, Japanese eggplant is less bitter than the big round purple varieties- so I don't salt and let it sweat first.

2. Adding feta cheese will turn this side dish into an entree.
     Vegans could consider adding seeds or nuts.

3. There is nothing like fresh roasted vegetables right out of the oven. However, this recipe will taste good at room temperature or served cold the next day.

4. I read that eggplant is really a fruit??? Is that true??

5. I added some of the dandelion greens from my CSA haul to my morning green juice instead of kale.

6. To cut down on calories, I simply spray vegetables with olive oil spray while on cookie sheet.

Shared on Weekend Cooking on Beth Fish Reads
