This is a wonderful creamy (oil-free) citrus dressing. It's light and tasty and I use it as a salad dressing for my salads and as a topping for vegetables such as steamed broccoli, roasted asparagus, or steamed cauliflower.
Why oil-free?
As I mentioned in a previous post, I am following the suggestions for diet in Dr, McDougall's book called, The Starch Solution. I find it a very satisfying way of eating because it allows me to enjoy substantial portions of potatoes, rice, beans, salads, vegetables, fruit etc. and still lose weight.
The only, thing I can't have on the plant-based diet is oil, animal protein, processed foods, and alcohol. - actually animal protein, processed foods, and alcohol are not great for health for a multitude of reasons. Our industries for raising meat, fish, and chicken depend on hormones, chemicals, and preserves to produce the quantity of animal protein to feed our demanding population for fast food burgers, fried chicken joints, etc. And our waterways are polluted producing fish that is highly toxic with mercury.
For me, I'm already vegan- so truthfully the only thing I missed in the beginning was the wine.
I do enjoy having a glass or two of wine when I dine out on the weekends. but I'm getting over it.
I'm learning lots of interesting ways to make sauces, sautee, and cook without oil. Again, I am not giving up fat (I eat avocado, nuts, olives, and seeds)

I've been following the McDougall diet for 4 weeks and I feel terrific, have lost 9 pounds, my cravings for sweets and junk food is gone, and I've learned to fill my wine glass with seltzer and chat away with friends and enjoy myself.
The bonus is that when I get home, since I have not indulged in wine, I am clear minded enough to get work done on the computer. When I drink wine, I feel tired and usually go straight to bed.
I learned about this diet from Chef AJ who is Whole Food Plant-Based Chef - I follow her and get her very informative newsletters.
Not long ago, she sponsored a summit on weight loss. One of her guests was on the summit was "Plantiful Kiki" who has many Youtube videos explaining how she lost 70 pounds a few years ago following this healthy diet and what she eats in a day. Look her up!!
When I saw what she eats in a day, I was impressed, curious, and ready to try it..My motivation to change my diet came from my recent blood lab reports. My cholesterol was high (232) and my blood sugar (112). I have to say that I was shocked because I was already on a vegan diet and thought I was eating healthy.
What I discovered from Dr. McDougall's book is that for optimal health, I need to follow a whole foods plant based diet - meaning no junk food, convenience package food, or alcohol. In other words, I need to eat real food that contains fiber, protein, nutrients, etc and hasn't been processed away to be an excite-o-toxin (food that excites your taste buds and keeps you addicted).
What I eat in a day
1 cup of broccoli - first
1 cup of cooked steel cut oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of ground flaxseed, 2 walnuts chopped, cinnamon, and 1/2 banana sliced on top.
Large salad with an oil-free dressing (recipe below),
2 cups of vegetables with oil-free dressing,
large baked potato or baked sweet potato fries(air fryer) - or 1 cup of rice.
Snack: homemade oil-free hummus with celery and carrot sticks
Tossed salad with oil-free dressing and a tablespoon of raisins mixed in the salad
2 cups of asparagus or cauliflower with a homemade dressing
Large bowl of bean chili (meat free)
Snack: Bowl of berries (blueberries and raspberries)
Salad Dressing:
1 navel orange - peel removed and full orange(cut up) put into the blender- 1/2 cup of cashews, soaked overnight and drained
1/2 cup of artichoke hearts packed in water (not oil)
1/4 cup of mint leaves
1/4 cup of water (or enough to form a liquid consistency
Blend all the ingredients and use over salad a carrot salad.