Friday, November 3, 2017

How To Make Easy Lentil Soup in Your Instant Pot

Thick and hearty Vegan lentil soup

Lentil Soup made in the Instant Pot is quick, simple, and delicious. No mess, no fuss.
I'm finally learning to use my Instant Pot and yes, I'm enjoying it.
The more I'm using it, the more I'm finding to make in it, and the more I'm loving it because it's so easy!

Instant Pot
                                              Instant Pot

There is a short learning curve, but after using it just once I had the hang of it and I've been experimenting with different recipes. 

Fast and Easy
I cooked this protein rich lentil soup in just 16 minutes. Of course it took the Instant Pot time to warm up and cool down, but that didn't affect my work time. Once in the pot, I was able to walk away and forget about it- and I did.

chopped soup vegetables

So Easy to Make

The Instant Pot is really easy to use and if you don't mind having another big clunky appliance on your counter or to store somewhere, it is a real time saver. In addition, it doesn't heat up the kitchen and doesn't splatter when cooking. It also frees up your stove top space.

Want more? It also functions as a slow cooker, rice cooker, yogurt maker etc. Depending on the model you buy, it can have anywhere from 6 to 10 other functions.  Instant Pot

This lentil soup is soothing and nourishing and now quick to make. I love lentil soup because it is a meal in itself. I often grab a bowl for lunch or use it as a starter for a light dinner with a salad, some gluten free bread, and maybe a little humus. 

I used the smaller French Green Lentils for this recipe ( which they sell organic in a local supermarket), carrots, onion, 2 small red potatoes, 2 bay leaves, cracked pepper, salt which I added after the soup cooked, and fresh spinach leaves. I use organic produce which tastes amazing and is not exposed to harmful pesticides.

Packed With Nutrients

3 Tablespoons of these dry lentils have 11 grams of fiber, no fat, 9 grams of proteinonly 1 gm sugar, 15% of your daily iron,  and 120 calories with the added carrots, onion, and fresh wilted spinach ( or any green) - you are getting a lot of healthy nutrients for your buck! Oh! and lentils are so economical - I paid $2.29 for an organic bag of lentils that provides 12 servings.

Author: Judee Algazi @ Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Instant Pot Cook Setting: 16 minutes
Serves: 8 bowls

1 Tablespoon olive oil
3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
1 15 ounce can of organic diced tomatoes ( or 2 cups of diced fresh tomatoes)
2 cups of French green lentils or brown lentils,  sorted, washed, and drained.  
4 carrots diced
1 cup of diced celery
1 cup of chopped onion
2 small red potatoes, chopped
2 bay leaves ( and then removed after cooking)
cracked pepper to taste
6-7 cups water
4 cups vegetable broth
2 teaspoons of Trader Joe's 21 Salute or any salt free seasoning mix
2 cups of fresh spinach torn into bite size pieces
Optional seasonings after soup is cooked: salt, cumin, cayenne pepper, lemon juice etc. 

Place the garlic, tomatoes, and onion in the Instant Pot- turn on Sautee setting and sautee for a few minutes until flavors begin to mingle. Add lentils, carrots, celery, onion, red potatoes, , bay leaves, cracked pepper, 21 Salute, water and broth in the Instant Pot. Turn off Sautee and Turn on manual and set for 16 minutes. Allow to self cool or release steam by turning the little steamer know to the left after it cooks. ( follow directions on your Instant Pot manual) 
Season with your choice of seasoning ( I never cook the salt with the lentils as it tends to keep the lentils from softening up)- can't kid you, it tastes great with some freshly grated Parmesan cheese on top ( Just saying)

My notes: 

1. Once you learn to use the Instant Pot, you will find many uses for it- and love it:
 sweet potatoes, stews, soups, dry beans, rice, lentils ( You can stop using canned beans which often have chemicals in the lining and expose you to heavy metals like aluminum as well) -
Personally, I don't meat or  chicken but of course you can find lots of recipes for meat too. Just about any recipe can be made in the Instant Pot- The Instant Pot, comes with a recipe booklet and there are TONS of wonderful recipes on Pinterest. Last week I saw a recipe for muffins!

2. It took me a while to finally open the box and learn to use it- but it was a short learning curve- the easiest way was just following the recipes in the booklet that  they give to you or fine recipes on Pinterest. I just searched Pinterest for a recipe lentil soup. Then, I adapted used my own recipe following the same steps.

Basically there are 2 steps Instant Pot Steps for this recipe plus learning about the steam release
1. Use the Sautee function- and then off
2. Use the Manuel function- set to time desired
3. Allow the steam to release on it's own OR release the steam button by turning the knob to the right.

Easy !!!

I have two Instant Pots now- the 8qt. and the 6 qt. - actually the 6 qt is the right size for me. I do have to mention that for some reason the setting are a little different on each pot. Best is to the follow the directions in the booklet for the functions.

Do you have an Instant Pot? Do you like it ? What is your favorite thing to make in it? 

Instant Pot Lentil Soup

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Amazon and like most bloggers will receive a very small compensation if you click on a link from my site and make a purchase. Of course this is at no additional cost to you. This helps me defray the costs of running this blog. I thank you and appreciate your support.

Don't forget to check out these hopping blog parties for additional recipes

This recipe will be shared on Beth Fish Reads- Weekend Cooking where anyone can share a food related post ( appears on Friday) 

and also on Deb's Souper Sunday where anyone can share a soup, salad, or Sammie recipe ( appears late Sunday)


  1. Easy peasy and perfect for cold winter days!

  2. Angie,
    That is what I'm finding . The Instant Pot makes it so easy and fast. I also like the slow cooker, but so many times I think of dinner last minute and then the Instant Pot really shines!

  3. I've been cooking in a pressure cooker for about 20 years! But I've had my Instant Pot only a year or so. I'm a huge fan of either stovetop or electric pressure cooking, but the electric pot is so much more convenient.

    1. My mother always used a pressure cooker but I was afraid of it. It used to jiggle constantly while cooking. The Instant Pot seems safer to me so I finally gave it a try. I am becoming a big fan

  4. I love lentil soup and yours looks delicious. Don't have an instant pot but now I'm tempted to get one. :)

    1. Jama,
      Thank you. I bought my Instant Pot on the recommendation of a friend and then it sat for 2 months before I finally opened it up.. I should have just jumped in when I first got it.. It really is easy.. made rice in 6 minutes and it was delicious

  5. So many largish appliances. Somehow I don't think another is on my agenda, though it might be handy for folks with kids and work pressures to get a good meal on quickly.

    1. Claudia,
      I understand. It is big and does really need a large space. But it is an appliance I will be using alot.

  6. don't have an Instant Pot, but have seen them. I use a crock pot a lot for my soups and years ago I had a pressure cooker. I love lentil soup and have a couple of portions in the freezer from the last time I cooked it. It is soup weather for sure now.

    1. For some reason I don't care for soup that is made in the slow cooker. I usually make mine on the stove. The Instant Pot pressure cooker worked fine. Glad I bought it

  7. I have been thinking about getting an Instant Pot, so I was really happy to hear that you like it! I also loves lentil win win!

    1. Well,
      My friend got one and was encouraging me - I finally bought it and then felt overwhelmed how to use it.. that was silly because it is really easy to use. I'm glad I got it

  8. Is it a pressure cooker that is stand alone? I have awful memories of pressure cooker meals my mother made ... Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  9. Carole,
    It is a pressure cooker but not like the ones that we grew up with. It doesn't make noise or jiggle and has safety built in. My mother used one and it scared me silly-this is quiet electric and easy.

  10. My kitchen is so small and it's just me most of the time so I keep putting off buying one but I know so many people love them. Your soup looks delicious. There are few things better than good lentil soup. Thanks for sharing with Souper Sundays this week. ;-)

    1. You do a lot of cooking so it might work out for you but the pots are big and make a lot of food!

  11. I have a friend that is in total obsession over her Instant Pot. Gotta get me this gadgetry.

    1. I think it is the new rage- everyone seems to be getting them. It is a time saver.

  12. Vicki,
    If you get an Instant Pot, the crockpot is one of its features. So then you will have both- it is also a rice cooker and yogurt maker

  13. This looks tasty Judee. I have one of these king pros but never thought of making soup in mine. Must try! Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.

    1. Claire,
      I'm not sure how other ones work, but the Instant Pot works great for soup! I'm loving it

  14. I love lentil soup. This looks good! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party!

    1. I think lentil soup is one of those soups that everyone loves- thanks for hosting, I enjoy your weekly party!

  15. Hi Judee!!
    Your blog is beautiful!!! And this recipe looks wonderful!!

    I haven't gotten an Instant Pot yet. This recipes reminds me that I need one!! :)

    Thank you for visiting my blog!!

    Mrs. U

    1. I appreciate your kind comments and am nice to meet you. I am enjoying the ease of the Instant Pot.. It's a great tool!

  16. I love this time of year, so many soup recipes, so little time! this is definitely going on the to-do-list!

  17. I don't have an instant pot but I'm am thinking of asking for one for Christmas. I guess once you get to know how to use the pot it's easy to make recipes. I love lentil soup and love how quick it looks to make. It's great for weeknight meals. Thanks for sharing at C&C with J&J.

    1. Julie,
      I was hesitant to get one, and once I got one I did not use it for a long time because I didn't want to take the time to learn it. Once I opened the box and read the instructions I realized it was easy. Actually, I learned the most from just following some recipes I found on Pinterest. Once you use it once- you know how to use it and then the fun begins. I love making this soup so fast..

  18. Rebecca,
    I agree. I am a soup lover and would eat soup daily. Hope you enjoy this soup

  19. It's so nice to have it in the pot cooking! Thanks for sharing the recipe with SYC.

    1. Yes, and so nice that it only has to cook for 16 minutes in the Instant Pot

  20. Excellent recipe and you have explained recipe so beautifully. Been raised in India, I have been eating lentil soup since my childhood. I cook my lentil soup in pressure cooker as thats what most of the Indians do :) lol. Also, you can go to Indian store in your area and you will find whole lot of variety in lentils. Judee, you have a great blog. Found you on #ticklemytastebuds :). I am a new blogger who just started blogging last week. I am so happy to share my cupcake decoration and it's my 2nd blog post. Please visit my blog and give me a feedback. Thanks and I am looking forward to reading your blog posts.

    1. Manisha,
      Thank you for your kinds words about my blog and thank you for stopping by. How exciting that you just started a new blog. Best of luck. I will be over to visit..

  21. Looks yummy! One of my daughters got an instant pot for Christmas and loves it. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  22. Your Instant Pot Lentil Soup looks delicious and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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