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Monday, March 28, 2022

Beauty, Peace, and Flowers

Today I am sharing some peaceful and beautiful scenes. 

blue, orange, and blue fish illustration

Folk Art, Doodle, Houses, Village

Flowers- These are some flowers from my garden last summer

hanging basket of red flowers

Nature- I spend winters in Florida at the beach

 Thin, Sea, Fence, Water, Vacation

Beach, Pier, Sunset, Sea, Ocean, Water

Ardea Herodias, Great Blue Heron

People, Silhouette, Sunset, Looking

Sunrise, Dawn, Daybreak, Palm, Tree, Sky

Sending notes of acknowledgement for no reason- a meaningful thing to do to a beautiful you !

Writing, Writer, Notes, Pen, Notebook

My sister in law sends beautiful acknowledging supportive notes for no reason at all. She just tells or sends notes to friends and family saying how special and wonderful they are- sometimes on Facebook, sometimes by sending a card, and sometimes in an email. I am a visual person so I love to read them. I keep the notes because they make me feel so loved and supported. 

I started to think about who I could send some notes. I think I should start with my with my sister in law. 

Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Ukraine!

Mango/Peach Salsa

I love this mango/peach salsa recipe (recipe link)

party appetizer - mango salsa

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  1. A lovely potpourri of pix! I'm intrigued by the fish in the first frame.
    Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2022/03/a-new-venture-for-me.html

  2. Florida looks so beautiful! Love that gorgeous sunrise shot...amazing! Thank you for sharing them with us, Judee.

  3. There are so many colours in your post. The paintings, the beach scenes, the sunsets, the flowers and the food. I love them all.

  4. Everything looks so beautiful! Love them all.

    Happy Tuesday!

  5. Such an uplifting post today. The world needs it!

  6. What a gorgeous and cheerful collection of pics! The colorful houses and flowers are my favorites. And I love that your sister-in-law surprises your family with encouraging notes -- and that you're joining in the tradition! A beautiful post, through and through. :)

    1. Thank you ! I too love the idea of sending encouraging notes.. It always adds some upliftment to the day.

  7. What a fun post! A little bit of everything. And a great recipe to end it. Thanks!

  8. Love the array of flowers and nature shots. Happy Spring Judee.

  9. Such a wonderful collection of photographs, and a good looking recipe.

    Happy April Wishes.

    All the best Jan


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.