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Monday, July 5, 2021

Celebrating Independence Day with Knicky

Dog on Independence Day

We did not have many plans to celebrate Independence Day weekend this year. We kind of just relaxed and took it easy. 

We did get together with friends on Saturday night to play Rummikub. and Sunday night/late afternoon we got together with friends who were babysitting their grand-dog! 

Rummikub by Pressman - Classic Edition - The Original Rummy Tile Game, Blue

Meet Knicky (named after the Knicks team) who is 6 months old.
He kept us well entertained while the four of us attempted to eat dinner and then play couples Canasta. 

Fourth Of July, 4Th Of July, America

Knicky is full of energy and very playful. We stayed in with our friends because they were concerned and didn't want to leave Knicky alone in case he became frightened by the fireworks (which were blasting all around our area and quite loud. 

Red, White, Blue, Fruit, Berries
Surprisingly, the noise, which started at local houses as early as 6:00 PM, did not bother Knicky in the least.

Knicky on Independence Day

Golden colored dog in bushes
Knicky loves laying and sleeping in these low vine-like bushes

Fourth Of July, Picnic, 4Th Of July

How did you celebrate? What did you do ? 


  1. Don't know about Rummikub...
    Knicky is such a cutie! Those ice pops look GOOD!

  2. Sounds like you had a good time. Knicky is adorable!

  3. Knicky looks like a sweet dog and also very festive in his 4th of July outfit. We didn't do much yesterday but watched all the fireworks from various cities on TV. It was quite a celebration!

  4. We recently had Canada Day but it wasn’t celebrated much this year. The discovery of unmarked graves of Indigenous children at the residential schools they attended has hit most of the country quite hard. We ha e a long way back to celebration of the country again.

  5. We celebrated our 22 years in Canada (4th july) by having BBQ party with a couple of friends.

  6. I love the patriotic doggie outfits. We made our celebration last both days, though two 4ths of July seems odd!

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  7. Our cat HATES fireworks! Fortunately they weren't too bad this years. Sounds like a fun celebration. :-)

  8. Such beautiful, patriotic pics! Even Rummikub is dressed in red, white, and blue! You have a real eye. And it looks like you had a fun holiday. The husband and I did too. The day before the Fourth, we went to my parents' for a BBQ, then on the actual day, we hit up Rita's.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.