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Friday, February 9, 2018

Flu ? Natural Flu Prevention

Are you afraid you will get the flu? 

Some of the first things I do that works for me, if I start to come down with the slightest sore throat, sniffle, or cough.  

1.  I Reach for the Zicam immediately- the sooner the better-
 Zicam really works for me if I start to take it immediately. Last week I was developing a cough-I was afraid I was getting the flu because so many people in my building had it. I took Zicam before bed and first thing in the morning for 3 days- despite feeling something coming on - I am fine now- Zicam contains zinc and other vitamins. 

2.  I Start taking Manuka Honey K-factor 16- Why? Manuka honey is from New Zealand where the bees pollinate with the Manuka bush. Known for it's antibiotic properties, I always feel it's a good addition to my routine if I feel like I'm coming down with something. Read Dr. Axe's article on Proven benefits  of Manuka honey

3.  I increase my Vitamin C and Vitamin D for during flu season or if you get the flu to help boost my immune system.

4. I drink lots of warm water and lemon, herbal tea, and homemade soup. In fact I have a  stove top soup recipe that can be made easily and quickly. or use one of my Instant pot recipes. It is soothing, delicious, and has lots of antioxidants.

5. I diffuse essential oils such as Thieves, Raven, or eucalyptus , - here is a good article for essential oil and colds   ( Thieves and Raven are a Young Living Blend- you can check a company called Revive on line for high quality yet less expensive substitutes for those products)

6. I wash my hands frequently especially if I am playing cards or mah jong and 
I never eat anything while I am playing or eat from a communal bowl of snacks.

I  came across interesting posts and articles that might also be of interest to you my readers.  I'm sharing an exceptionally good article by best selling author and nutritionist Louise Gittleman. I have been following Louise for years. Her post offers some very simple yet powerful suggestions to help prevent or deal with the flu. Here is a link to her article - where Louise shares some valuable information
What I Would do If I Had The Flu by Anne Louise Gittleman

Don't Rub Your Eyes!!  
I never realized that you can pick up flu germs through your eyes!!! if you touch something like a table top or handle with the germ ( someone coughed or sneezed) and then rub your eyes - you can make contact into your body that way. 

What natural things do you do ? 

wkendcookingLinking to Weekend Cooking, at Beth Fish ReadsWeekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share:

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and I am not trying to diagnose or treat disease. Please always check with your medical doctor if you have the flu or are feeling sick.  This information in this blog is strictly for educational purposes. 

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  1. I drink LOTS of ginger water :-) I love Manuka honey though it's ridiculously expensive...still cheaper than having to visit doctors, right? Thanks for sharing the tips to fight against flu, Judee.

    1. I agree that the Manuka is expensive- someone told me you can buy it in Costco

  2. Washing hands, not touching your eyes or mouth. I also drink a lot of tea. And hope for the best ...

    1. I think washing hands is paramount and of course not touching the face

  3. Thanks for all the tips! I've never tried Zicam but will keep it in mind. I usually take extra Vitamin C, and drink lots of warm liquids, etc. Washing hands often is critical -- and I never shake hands with sick people.

    1. For some reason Zicam works better than anything for me.. I probably need the zinc

  4. Yes, we try not to hug sick people :) Also washing hands more frequently, especially if you've been out and about. Hot tea with lemon is good. But thanks for all the additional tips, which I've saved.

  5. Some of the presentations are really simple and good to know

  6. Washing my hands constantly and diffusing oils along with Vitamin D and C supplements has been my go-to precautions!Thanks for sharing at The Blogger's Pit Stop! Roseann from www.thisautoimmunelife.com

  7. Here are my tips for quick recovery from viral illness. I'm fighting off something right now! I agree about fluids and honey, and I also find it effective to eat more fiber and raw garlic. Zinc hasn't seemed to make much difference to me, but maybe I'm just getting enough zinc in my diet so a supplement doesn't help.

  8. A very helpful post. That first photo says all the misery in one picture. Washing hands and limiting your contact with others are great tips.

    Blogger's Pit Stop

  9. These are great suggestions to help us through this horrible flu season. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday. Have a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  10. Good tips! I need to use my diffuser more this fall and winter!

  11. Raw garlic and lots of fiber help me, too! Here are my infection-fighting tips. Have a healthy winter!


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