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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What is Iridology and How can it Help You?

A good friend of mine is a herbal nutritionist and an Iridologist. Most people are not familiar with the unique natural healing tool of Iridology and how the services and insight that an Iridologist can provide without any invasive procedures. 

Iridology, a holistic science which originated in Europe.  In many European countries, Iridology is a recognized science and people visit their Iridologist on a regular basis. Iridology has been used and respected by doctors and practitioners for many years. Although the use of Iridology is in its infancy in the United States, and not well known, it is gaining its deserved respect and is now making a name for itself in the alternative health field.  

A well trained Iridologist can provide valuable information about your physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses.  It is one of the most amazing and helpful insights for natural health alternatives that I have ever experienced.I feel fortunate that my friend Mario Romero is located near Philadelphia and fairly local for me and my family.

An Iridology evaluation can show any predispositions that you have towards weaknesses or imbalances in your system. These predispositions can show up years before you experience any symptoms. As Mario points out- "If you were driving a car, and someone pointed out that you were headed to hit a brick wall, wouldn't you change your course and welcome the suggestion". That is just what an Iridology evaluation can do for you. It can point out with great insight where you are headed and suggest that you make changes through diet, herbs, vitamins and lifestyle to help you avoid any imbalances.

One of our established Health Food Stores in our area is opening is 5th location. This Saturday is the Grand Opening for Big Bear Natural Foods!  Mario Romero will be one of the holistic practitioners meeting and greeting guests, along with other health care practitioners, nutritionists, and massage therapists. It will be an opportunity to meet and greet and possibly experience! There will also be a juice bar and samples. 

If you would like to understand and know more about Mario Romero's services, please visit his website-



 If you are near Sesame Place in the Bucks County area or Mercer County area , come out and meet and experience Mario at the Grand Opening at Big Bear Natural Foods
925 Old Lincoln Highway Morrisville, Pa. 215-736-0553 
10:00-2:00 off Route I.. 5 minutes from Sesame Place 

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1 comment:

  1. I think learning about alternative methods of healing is so fascinating! Here in the western world we are so used to our method of blood tests, antibiotics, etc, that we sometimes forget that there are alternative treatments being used successfully throughout the world. I haven't used iridology but it sounds very interesting!


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