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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunshine Award

Thank you Chaya! 
This past week I was honored to have been awarded the Sunshine Award from one of my favorite bloggers, Chaya at My Sweet and Savory. Chaya makes lots of healthy recipes,  and if you need ideas for meatless cooking, Chaya hosts a weekly blog carnival called, Mealtess Mondays. On her other blog, Bizzy Bakes, she hosts a Wed Recipe box linky as well. Scroll down to see who I am passing the award onto.

The Sunshine Award  is special because it is an award given to bloggers by other by bloggers. 

The recipients of the Sunshine Award are: "Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogoshere." 

The way the award works is this: 
1) Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them. 
2) Answer 10 questions about yourself. 
3) Select 10 of your favorite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award! 

Don't forget to copy and paste the award on your blog!
Here we go! Ten questions:

1. Favorite color: Hot Pink

2. Favorite animal:  puppies and kittens

3. Favorite number: 22

4. Favorite drink: Fresh Lemonade (non-alcohol), Red Wine (alcohol)

5. Facebook or Twitter: Twitter! I get so much great information . People are tweeting all day long.

6. Good Book or a Good Movie:  Although I'm a reader, I just love a good movie too. 

7. My Passion: Cooking! I love to create healthy tasty recipes to share  with family and friends.

8. Giving or getting presents:  I give lots of presents, but I like getting them too . Who doesn't??

9. Favorite day of the year: My birthday! I always have a great time!

And here are the 10 FABULOUS blogs that I am passing this award along to (please go check them out!):

Penniless Parenting  focuses on frugality.  I have found many great vegetarian and gluten free recipes and lots of amazing frugal ideas. Penny hosts a blog carnival called Heart and Soul Hop every Tuesday

Gluten Free Cat is a gluten free blog where you can find lots of real food recipes . All her recipes are labeled vegan, dairy free, raw or refined sugar free for easy navigating.

 Sweet Healthy Living , is a blog with outstanding vegan and raw recipes that just make your mouth water. Victoria's photos are wonderfully inviting. You have to see her latest dessert!

The Soulicious Life is a delightful blog whose purpose is to focus on nourishing body, soul and the planet. It is a combination of vegetarian recipes, yoga, and ideas to save the planet.  Visit for inspiring ideas!

Food Floozie  is an interesting blog authored by Yenta Mary in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She features reviews of local restaurants, shares interesting recipes, and tells a great story.  I always am entertained at the Food Floozie!

The Tasty Alternative is a blog whose philosophy is 
"to create healing food with a holistic approach to mind-body health and with a meaningful connection to the earth. The blog has lots of allergy friendly recipes and  
healthy lifestyle resources! I find lots of great ideas on this blog.

The Haggis and the Herring is a husband and wife team who draw their recipes from flavors around the world including their English, European, Mediterranean and South- Asian food experiences.  It's a blog worth visiting as there is always an interesting recipe.  

Raw On $10 a Day (or Less)- this blog is always a treat. There are many wonderfully raw food recipes that are kept to under $10. I love to see what she comes up with each week.

Peaceful Plate is a fabulous vegan blog that uses healthy real food.  I met Noelle at Bloggy Boot Camp in Philadelphia this past May, and I was immediately blown away by her photos and recipes.  Check out her blog for her great vegan desserts.

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  1. Hello Judee,

    Thank you so much for this award!!! I'm honored to be included with these other fabulous bloggers. WOW! You made my night. :-)


  2. You are just the sweetest thing - thank you! And to think, I was going to surprise YOU with an award when tomorrow's post goes up ... :) Surprise!

  3. Judee, thank you for the award!!! So sweet of you to include me with these other awesome blogs!! I look forward to passing on the blog love!

  4. Thank you for the Sunshine Award Judee! :D

  5. Thanks again for the award, Judee! I posted my Sunshine Awards today! http://www.glutenfreecat.com/2012/07/the-sunshine-award/


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.