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Monday, April 23, 2012

Weight Loss Motivation Monday - Go Girl!

I've come to realize that (for me), the difference between eating consciously and eating whatever I want, starts in what I tell myself!

  I can talk myself into eating healthfully and consciously, or talk myself out of it in a split second! AND I have done both!!!Sometimes a  GF cookie, ice cream, or an extra serving of dinner just looks so good, and I want it so badly. I might tell myself I'll just have one piece or its a special occasion and I should not deprive myself. (  but there are so many special occasions: birthdays, holidays, dinners out with friends, anniversary's, graduations, births, parties etc.)

Mostly, I overeat or eat unconsciously because I don't have a plan to follow. I find without a plan and a goal.. I'm at the mercy of too much food even healthy food or sugar, starch, and fat..and all the goodies out there. ( It can be addicting for me and hard to get off it once I start)

A few weeks ago I realized that after two -three years of yo yo dieting, gaining and losing and then finally gaining and gaining, I ended up with 27 extra pounds in three years!!! I have now lived with that 27 pounds for a year and half , and I've come to think of myself as pudgy.

Prior to gaining this weight , I had been slim and shapely for over 9 years when I went on a weight loss program to lose 50 pounds.I kept it off for over nine years. During those nine years, I had a daily plan that became a daily habit, just like brushing my teeth..

I planned my meals, planned my exercise time, and had mini goals .. I lost weight, and I sculpted by using hand weights and built muscle. It made me look shapely and small . I became a size 4/6.. Unbelievable.. but true, and I was almost 50 years old at the time!!

I never thought I could be a slim person; I never thought I could never be a small or a size 6 ( let alone a 4)!!! But I was happy and slim  for years!

Thoughts are powerful and persuasive...what I tell myself does seem to matter.

I have a choice; I can plan and be prepared everyday no matter if it is a party day, a birthday or a dinner out. I can plan my exercise routine for everyday and stick to it.

My plan is to get my previous size six body back!! How am I going to do that ?.. I am going to work for it by  following a plan and sticking to it. This is what I do..

  • Plan my menu for the week ( or a few days)
  • Shop and make sure everything I need in in the house
  • Strategies- use a crock pot, wash and cut up veggie snacks in advance
  • Be prepared- Keep Weight Watchers 1 point cheese sticks and hard boiled eggs                 handy,take my snacks to work, shopping, to a friends house, and the gym.
  • Plan my exercise- make time for me and stick to it- lift weights, do a exercise CD, go to the gym for a scheduled class.
  • Take my gym clothes and sneakers in the car so I don't have to stop home after work
  • Keep my MP3 Player charged , so I can listen to my inspirational CDs, books, or music while I exercise which helps make the time go and feel enjoyable.
  • Drink more water- carry water with me.
  • Read inspiration web sites of others who offer ideas and success stories.

After the last three year struggle, ( which started with an injury that prohibited me from exercising)
 I am finally am realizing that I cannot diet.. I get it!!
I have make permanent healthy eating choices.

Tip:  I read somewhere that there is no finish line for eating consciously, no finish line for exercising, and no finish line for making healthy choices. 
These habits need to be ongoing..  a healthy diet is a healthy body.
I'm starting week 2.. last week I followed my plan even with a dinner party Saturday night.. I still had a great time and focused on what I could eat, rather than what I couldn't eat.. It worked out great and I lost 3 pounds last week..

 Look for My next Inspirational post :
What did I have to give up to have a healthier body ( you'll be surprised what it is) ...

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  1. It's awesome to refocus your goals and attitudes. After reading this I'm sure that you'll do great! Thanks for the inspiration for me today as well.

  2. It's all about health, not weight. And when we get healthy, we look and feel better, have more energy for walks and exercise - instead of a vicious circle, it's a positive one ... :)

  3. A lot of wisdom here, we can all relate to the difficulty of saying no to all the choices we have without a plan and a goal in mind. Thanks for sharing this at Hearth & Soul.

  4. I love this! So the motivation I needed today. So glad I found you on Tip Junkie's Tip Me Tuesday :0)

    xo Kristle

  5. Stopping by from Naptime Creations..this is so helpful, I am young and pretty slim but I do carry some extra fat in my belly and love handles. I am extremely self conscious and have that "pudge" hanging over my jeans..i hate tight tshirts because they make me feel fat and ugly, horrible I know. I shouldn't think like that. I recently became vegetarian moving towards vegan. I have always planned my meals but now that I'm going vegan I don't really plan, only because I visit the gym often and don't want to cook at 7 or eat carbs after 7. So a lot of the times I throw something together or eat a salad. I do cook rice and beans ahead of time it's easy to just eat that w/ veggies! I have the worst cravings lately for pbnj (thanks to the kids i nanny) and chocolate, i have a huge sweet tooth, went to college for pastry arts so I'm always wanting chocolate. Sometimes I give in sometimes i tell myself I don't need and it does nothing for me. It's really hard because I've changed my eating habits for a month now and haven't shed a pound. Sorry I know I'm rambling but it's a tough subject of mine. I'd love it if you stopped by my blog! I have a recent "motivation" post..maybe you can spread some light on there for me! ;) Thanks so much for this post really enjoyed it.

  6. HI Bridget,
    I totally understand your frustration. I would like to visit your blog, but you didn't provide the URL..

  7. You are doing great! I love your strategies. Planning is key.

  8. great job! I have become more and more uncomfortable in my own skin, I miss my old body. Medicines, health issues and no thyroid make it very difficult. I have DOUBLED in size from a size 6 to a size 12! Thank you for linking to the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. Sending hugs and happy weekend wishes! xo

  9. I found some great information in your blog. This blog is very useful and helpful to me. Thank you for sharing this information with us informative .. I love your blog

  10. It's just a matter of self-discipline. You can eat whatever you want but provided it would be in moderate for you to satisfy yourself.


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