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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Crock Pot Apple Cake GF

Jewish apple cake made in the crock pot

You can bake a cake in the crock pot!
Can you imagine?
I just did it ,and it came out moist and extra delicious.

It started yesterday when I noticed a few crock pot cake recipes online. I was intrigued and said , " Judee you have to get out that crock pot and give this a try." This was a first for me, and I have to say the results were great!

It was right up my alley because I love making anything and everything in the crock pot. I use crock pots, not just for cooking , but also for serving.  When I am having company, I use my crock pot to heat up the soup, keep it warm , and I serve right from it..

The crock pot I used today is unusual. It is a two sided crock pot.
 I can actually make two things at once, and that is exactly what I did. I made two gluten free cakes at once. On one side, I made an apple cake using almond flour and oats. On the other side I made an applesauce spice cake with coconut flour. (Now if you are not gluten free and don't want to use the extra healthy ingredients, you can make this with regular flour and regular sugar. See my variations at the bottom of the post/

I used organic palm sugar for the extra nutrition and low glycemic effect.. It was also my first time trying palm sugar

 I bought the palm sugar at the health food store. I've read about palm sugar on other blogs, but I never actually tried it. The packaging says, " palm sugar is a healthy alternative sweetener that has a lower glycemic index than agave, honey, or cane sugar."  It goes on to explain that it also is a good source of minerals and B vitamins. The original recipe called for brown sugar.

This is my recipe for Crock Pot Apple Cake adapted from a great blog,  Finding Joy In My Kitchen

3-4 large organic apples, sliced ( I used delicious)
1 and 1/3 cup almond meal ( you can use GF flour or regular flour if you are not gluten free)
2/3 cup gluten free oats ( oatmeal)
3/4 cup palm sugar  + 1 TSBP for the apples ( if you don't care, you can use sugar)
2 tsp baking powder ( I use aluminum free)
1 + 1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla

DirectionsPeel and cut up apples. Toss with 1 TBSP palm sugar, 3 TBSP almond meal, 1 tsp cinnamon. Set aside.

In a large bowl, mix almond meal, oats, baking powder, 1 tsp cinnamon.
In a small bowl, beat eggs, vanilla, applesauce.

Mix wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until the batter is smooth and blended. Pour the mixture over the apples and mix completely.

Pour batter into a well greased crock pot.
Cover and turn onto high and bake for about 2 hours. ( check after 1 and half hours that it is not too dry.)

Turn of the heat and remove lid. Take a rubber spatula and pry sides loose. Allow to cool off . When cool turn over and release cake.

Step by Step

Assemble Ingredients

Cut up apples and then toss with 1 TBSP palm sugar, 3 TBSP almond meal, 1 tsp cinnamon

Mix wet ingredients in a small bowl ( forgot to take a pic)
Mix dry ingredients in a larger bowl. Mix dry into the wet and pour over the
apple mixture until well blended.

Pour into a well greased crock pot. ( I sprayed with cooking oil)  Turn on high and bake for about 1 hour and 45 minutes.
check it with a toothpick. Turn off heat and allow to sit with lid off. Take a knife and cut around
the sides to loosen. Remove the container from the heat and allow to cool and then remove the cake.

Why would you use a crock pot? To free up your oven if you have a lot of things to make. Since a cake usually has to go in alone, it creates oven time. Also, in the summer, if you don't turn on the oven, you don't need to heat up your kitchen. I'm sure you can think of lots of reasons making the cake in the slow cooker could work out well. Personally, it just looked like fun, and I wanted to try it. I have to say, both cakes were moist and delicious.
If anyone is interested in the coconut flour recipe, it is egg and dairy free.
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May be shared on a few of the following blog carnivals
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  1. This method for making a cake is a new one for me. I would have never thought that was possible. It looks so delicious. Yummy!

  2. What a fantastic idea! I need to use my crock pot more often. And glad to see you liked using the palm sugar. I've read quite a bit about it, but haven't tried it myself yet either. Maybe this cake is where I'll start! Looks delicious!

  3. Love it! My crock pot is sadly in storage at the moment along with many of my other treasures, but I love it and miss it! So cool that yours has two sides. I've never made dessert in a crock pot - will have to try!

  4. Lori,
    The palm sugar worked just like regular sugar. The cake tasted great.

  5. This looks great -- I love apple cakes and spice cakes and all those seasonal fall desserts. Using the crock pot is so freeing too -- I can leave the house to run errands or pick up the kids and I don't have to worry about leaving an oven on. Thanks for the recipe!

    Lisa @ Allergy Free Vintage Cookery

  6. Judee, this looks delicious. I love crockpot recipes and have written yours down to try. Thank you for sharing!

  7. I love using my crock pot too. The recipes looks great!

  8. This looks great. Do u have the nutritional info. I need to track my calories and carbs. Thanks for you great recipes.

  9. Crockpot Apple Pie? Wow! I had not heard of this before. Thanks for sharing it. It is the perfect time of year for apple desserts!

    I am visiting from WFMW, and glad I stopped by.

    LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella

  10. Oh YUM! This looks wonderful! What a delicious looking cake -- and I LOVE that you made it in a crock pot!

  11. Hi Judee,
    This is an awesome cake and to be able to cook it in the Crock Pot, really puts it over the top. I can't wait to try this one. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great week end!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

  12. Thanks so much for linking up this week! That's so cool that you can make two things at the same time.

    Amy @ A Little Nosh

  13. Awesome! I've never tried baking in the crockpot! This looks wonderful! Just made something VERY similar! Thanks for linking to Foodie Friday. Don't forget to stop by Stir, Stitch and Straighten! http://notyourordinaryrecipes.blogspot.com/2011/10/document.html

  14. I've never seen a cake in a crock pot but it looks great.

    Wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  15. I have never made dessert in the crock pot, but I sure like the idea! Thank for sharing your recipe with the Hearth and Soul Hop.

  16. I love using my crock pot (am using it today, in fact) but have never tried making a cake in it. Too cool!

    Looks yummy too. Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  17. I've never seen a divided crock pot. That's an interesting idea. So is cooking a cake in one! That would be especially great in the summer when you don't want to heat up the kitchen. Thanks for sharing this at Gluten-Free Wednesdays.

  18. I'm so happy you tried this cake! And, made it GF :) I'll pass the link on to my MIL who is also GF.

  19. Sounds really good and I love that you can make so many different things in the crockpot :)

  20. Thanks for linking up to last weeks Menu Monday! I'd like to invite you back to share some more recipes in this weeks recipe link up: http://myfaithandfamily.wordpress.com/2011/10/10/menu-mondays-blueberry-and-cream-sweet-rolls/

  21. Thank you for your submission on Nourishing Treasure's Make Your Own! Monday link-up.

    Check back later today when the new link-up is running to see if you were one of the top 3 featured posts! :)

  22. Yum! I'm not gluten free, but this looks wonderful. I may add a bit of leftover cranberry sauce when I make it. =)


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